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Why invest in MCEDC?

As a business leader, do you believe that your business benefits when your community is able to attract and retain quality businesses and workers?


Do you believe that private sector involvement and investments result in a more robust economy for everyone?

Morgan County Economic Development Corporation is funded through investments made by private sector businesses, area municipalities, educational institutions, and utilities.


Our team works diligently to use the resources provided by our investors wisely as we deliver services to stimulate economic growth.


As an investor, you are investing in the greater good of the economy in Morgan County. You support someone and an organization working on your behalf every day to improve the economic well-being and quality of life for your community.

Investor Levels


As an investor, you will receive email updates and have access to mcedc's revolving loan fund.

Partner Investors

Leadership Opportunities: Investors at the bronze level and above are eligible to serve on MCEDC's working committees.

Website: MCEDC investors are listed on the MCEDC website.

Research & Data Services: Data drives smart decision making and MCEDC investors can access a wide array of research, including proprietary data regarding the area laborshed, demographics, wage information, utility capacity, and more. custom research assistance is also available.

Email Updates: These brief updates feature articles and information about economic development projects and successes in Morgan County, updates on MCEDC activities, and upcoming events.

Special Event Invitations & Recognitions: MCEDC investors are recognized at our special events throughout the year. In addition, investors receive invitations to MCEDC events and partner events, including MCEDC's annual meeting, groundbreaking ceremonies, and new business events. 

Influencer Investors

In addition to the Bronze level benefits, organizations investing at the silver level receive -

Website: an enhanced listing on the MCEDC website (company logo and link to website).

Promotion: Investor recognition and promotion on MCEDC social media platforms and in the newsletter. 

Executive Investors

In addition to the Bronze and Silver level benefits, organizations investing at the gold level receive - 

Website: Promotion as a featured investor on the MCEDC home page.

Promotion: An opportunity to have company literature displayed at MCEDC events.

Elite Investors
In addition to the Bronze, Silver, and Gold level benefits, organizations investing at the platinum level receive company features at annual meetings, event sponsorship opportunities, and economic impact analysis reporting. 

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